Monday, April 27, 2009

Mayor's plan for non-profits in NYC

On April 6th, Mayor Bloomberg announced his "new initiatives to help New York City nonprofits cope with (the) cash crunch as a result of the economic downturn."

The press release lays out the Mayor's plan to provide services and resources for the more than 40,000 cultural, health and social nonprofit organizations in NYC. It addresses issues such as; reducing fixed costs, improving the city's contracting procedures (so that non-profits have a better chance when competing for city contracts), and providing dedicated support for nonprofits.

While the Mayor has identified areas where the city will be directing its efforts, there were few details about specific initiatives or programs.

Several Community Boards have expressed their intent to respond to the Mayor's efforts and will be drafting letters that suggest improvements, specific programs and additional initiatives.

So, here is your chance OOB -- Do you think the Mayor's 10-point plan provides for our community? What are your suggestions?

We will compile a list of suggestions and comments and present them to the Community Boards.

1 comment:

  1. Well, hey. Let's hope this is a step in the right direction.
